AIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONREPUBLIC AIRWAYS DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA CONNECTIONENDEAVOR AIR DBA DELTA 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175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC NYC 175.00TNA4A0TG UA YTO 240.00VNA1A1TG CAD415.00ENDUSD100.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL YTO 334.00HA0OX0MQ CAD484.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL YTO 334.00HA0OX0MQ CAD484.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 244.00KA0OX0MQ DL YTO 244.00KA0OX0MQ CAD488.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 244.00KA0OX0MQ DL YTO 244.00KA0OX0MQ CAD488.00END0.00100.00YTO DL X/DTT DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL YTO 334.00HA0OX0MQ CAD484.00END0.00100.00YTO DL X/DTT DL NYC 284.00QA0OA0MQ DL YTO 244.00KA0OX0MQ CAD528.00END0.00100.00YTO DL X/DTT DL NYC 284.00QA0OA0MQ DL YTO 244.00KA0OX0MQ CAD528.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 244.00KA0OX0MQ DL YTO 334.00HA0OX0MQ CAD578.00END0.00100.00YTO DL X/DTT DL NYC 284.00QA0OA0MQ DL YTO 334.00HA0OX0MQ CAD618.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL X/DTT DL YTO 474.00BA0QA0MQ CAD624.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL X/DTT DL YTO 474.00BA0QA0MQ CAD624.00END0.00100.00YTO DL X/DTT DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL X/DTT DL YTO 474.00BA0QA0MQ CAD624.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 244.00KA0OX0MQ DL X/DTT DL YTO 474.00BA0QA0MQ CAD718.00END0.00100.00YTO WS FLL 137.94LTQD0ZEG DL NYC Q0.35 238.14KA0NA0ME DL YTO 178.08KA0OX0MQ NUC554.51END ROE1.370128USD100.00100.00YTO WS FLL 137.94LTQD0ZEG DL NYC Q0.35 238.14KA0NA0ME DL YTO 178.08KA0OX0MQ NUC554.51END ROE1.370128USD100.00100.00YTO DL X/DTT DL NYC 284.00QA0OA0MQ DL X/DTT DL YTO 474.00BA0QA0MQ CAD758.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ UA YTO 687.00YNA0A1LT CAD837.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ UA YTO 687.00YNA0A1LT CAD837.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ UA YTO 687.00YNA0A1LT CAD837.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ UA YTO 687.00YNA0A1LT CAD837.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL X/DTT DL YTO 683.00Y0N CAD833.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ DL X/DTT DL YTO 683.00Y0N CAD833.00END0.00100.00YTO DL X/DTT DL NYC 150.00UAUNA0MQ UA YTO 687.00YNA0A1LT CAD837.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 244.00KA0OX0MQ UA YTO 687.00YNA0A1LT CAD931.00END0.00100.00YTO DL NYC 244.00KA0OX0MQ UA YTO 687.00YNA0A1LT CAD931.00END0.00100.00EconomyECONOMYOur lowest available fare with options to customize travel and without the restrictions of Economy. Benefits include: - Seat selection at booking, if seats are available - Eligible to change ticket. - Eligible to request a same-day change. - Carry on bag • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Economy take advantage of your WestJet Rewards earn and tier benefits with more choice and flexibility, book Econo or EconoFlex. Settle into your flight in our Economy cabin with a complimentary beverage and snack and onboard entertainment with WestJet Connect. Change/cancel policies for travel affected by COVID-19 Change/cancel policy for flights booked Mar 3, 2020 – June 30, 2021 You can book a new flight with confidence. If COVID-19 affects your travel plan you can adjust with the following flexible change/cancel policy: • All flights booked between March 3, 2020, and June 30, 2021, will be allowed a $0 one-time fee waiver for changes or cancellations • Change or cancellation must be requested more than 24 hours from departure • Value of cancelled flights will be returned as a Travel Bank credit, valid for 24 months from the date your flight was cancelled • If you change your flight, the difference in fare applies. If the new fare is less, the difference will be returned as a Travel Bank credit • For changes or cancellations within 24 hours of travel, standard change and cancel fee rules apply.A remarkable experience awaits you. CabinMAINCABINUpgrade to Main Cabin for added flexibility, including seat selection at purchase, same day travel changes (subject to availability, fees may apply) and full Medallion® benefitsSETTING THE STANDARD FOR SAFER TRAVEL Our new Delta CareStandard(sm) focuses on clean surfaces, more space, safer service and personal care More Control with Main Cabin • Changes allowed with no change fees • Select and change seats at any time • Receive eCredit upon Cancellation • Eligible for paid upgrades • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.More control with Main Cabin Fully RefundableECOREFEconomy Fully Refundable Benefits include: - Seat selection at booking, if seats are available - Eligible to change ticket. - Mileage accrual - Eligible to request a same-day change. - Carry on bag - Checked baggage • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Economy Fully Refundable fare includes - Carry on - Reissue and refund not allowed - Advanced seat selection with charge • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Basic fare includes - Carry on - Miles accrual - Reissue with charge and refund not allowed (subject to fare rules) - Advanced seat selection with charge • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Standard